Complicatedly Simple or Simple Complicated?

05 Oct 2017

Just Some Semantics?

Semantic UI is a front-end development framework that utilizes simple english words to code and design a website. The framework consists of categories for UI components. Each component can be combined and manipulated in different ways to form different variations of the components. The framework allows for users to only use english, to code and create websites that may have been more complex to create with just HTML/CSS. The language of Semantic UI is descriptive, so users will have an easier time understanding the purpose and usage of classes.

“The most complicated skill is to be simple” -Dejan Stojanovic

Semantic ui is like building a house. You need to set up a foundation and use basic building blocks to create a solid, nice house before designing it (in our case, using CSS). One wrong move in building and your house ends up looking like the dilapidated drug house down the street.

Looking at the individual codes for using semantic ui seems pretty simple, but putting it all together to create a complex website is a bit difficult. Sometimes, coding with semantic ui feels like falling down the rabbit hole, nothing makes sense. However, if I were to master the skill of using semantic ui, then it would be a very useful skill to have. Compared to raw html, I would say that semantic ui saves more time, if you are good at utilizing it. Since the semantic ui language is descriptive, it is easy to read and understand lines of code. This promotes organization and efficiency, especially among groups. Also, websites constructed using semantic ui are visually more appealing, whereas ones constructed with only html look outdated. Semantic UI allows users to create many different types of modern websites. This framework is definitely an improvement from raw HTML.